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NewsBTC 2022-07-01 16:00:45

Crypto Market Loses $60 Billion As Bitcoin Dips Below $20,000

As of June 28, the bitcoin price fluctuated slightly above the $20K mark. However, toward the end of the day, it eventually dropped to $20K. The market watch also noted the bearish state in the price of most altcoins. These include DOGE, AVAX, SOL, and many others. Drawing from June 29 data, Bitcoin’s price has finally plunged below the $20K mark. Many renowned cryptos like the Ethereum, Shiba Inu, and Doge tokens also feel the heat of the bearish turn in the market. Bitcoin Lost The $20,000 Price Mark According to the news last week, Bitcoin made several attempts to come off the loss in value. During that time, its price shot from $17,500 to $21,000. This was a recovery from its 18-month low price mark. It sustained this $21K price mark until it hit its 10-day high price, a little over $21,800. Suggested Reading | Bitcoin Slides Under $20K – Another Collapse In The Offing? The journey to a higher price became abortive for BTC, and it eventually dipped lower than $21K. It attempted to hit this price, but all attempts proved unsuccessful. BTC’s unsuccessful attempts to appreciate eventually turned into a bearish trend toward $20K. According to the news on June 28, it managed to get slightly above the $20K benchmark. From today’s market watch, the price of Bitcoin has plunged below $20,000. At the time of writing, it is still fluctuating below this price, bringing its market cap below $400B. The Effect On ...

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